SALEM – working worldwide for peace

Christian, nonprofit, charitable.


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People from seven different countries are currently working together in SALEM-Ecuador. Despite different nationalities, skin colours, cultural backgrounds, beliefs, political views, etc., it is easy for us to work together for the benefit of others, because empathy and the idea of peace are firmly established.
Our team in SALEM-Togo is currently planning a new and sustainable project for the grounds of our training center in Baghan. We started beekeeping in Bassar about seven years ago. Delicious honey is produced from the many flowering…
We have already reported several times about the Green Belt in SALEM-Uganda and asked for your support in our mission to make the village greener. Now we would like to show to our donors what has already been implemented there with your help.
The name SALEM is derived from the Hebrew word “Shalom” and means “Peace”. Peace is the main motivation of the SALEM-work. After traumatic experiences during the war and in captivity SALEM Founder Gottfried Müller decided that from now on he will put his live in service to God. Never again would he want to bring harm to people, animals or nature. Since 1957 our organisation has been operating in this spirit. People of different nations, colours, religions and origins are working together in our projects - and it works!
Planting and looking after trees has always been one of the important matters of Gottfried Müller, the founder of SALEM (1914 – 2009). This is why the planting project “100 trees plus x“ was established some years ago in SALEM-Togo.

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