
After the old building has been demolished, construction work on the new house could begin in SALEM-Ecuador. In this way, we want to meet the increasing demand for care and also ensure the corresponding quality.
Monday, 26th June 2023 morning started with a shock for all of us. Our SALEM barn was on fire. At about 6.45 a.m. we discovered that the building was on fire and immediately notified the fire brigade. Thanks to the rapid intervention of numerous fire brigades from the surrounding area, worse things could be prevented.
Our operation theatre in SALEM-Uganda has structural deficiencies that could never be fixed in the long term. But at the same time the demand for operations is constantly increasing, so we are very glad that with the help of partners a new room for surgeries can be built now.
Recently, SALEM Managing Director Samuel Müller visited our project in Uganda and could see the excellent work that is being done there by the staff. Unfortunately, due to Corona it was difficult to travel to Uganda during the last years. It was very encouraging now to see the development of the village.
Dr Charles Kimbugwe has been working as a doctor at the Health Center in SALEM-Uganda. Recently he visited Germany to attend the World Health Summit in Berlin. It can be said that his life path has been linked to SALEM from day one. But read for yourself.
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